About me

The Technophile in Me:
From an early age, I found myself captivated by the allure of gadgets and computers. The endless possibilities they offered drew me in like a magnet, and I began exploring the digital realm with boundless enthusiasm. Embracing technology has become a part of who I am, as I find myself eagerly diving into the latest tech trends and developments.

The Code Whisperer:
Among the many languages I've encountered, coding is my chosen means of communication with machines. Whether it's writing elegant lines of Python, crafting dynamic web pages with HTML, or solving complex problems with Java, I relish the challenge of deciphering the language of computers. Each line of code I write carries the potential to create something extraordinary.

The Innovator and Problem Solver:
Beyond mastering existing technologies, I strive to be an innovator and problem solver. I believe that technology holds the key to solving real-world issues and enhancing lives. My creativity thrives in devising solutions that merge cutting-edge ideas with practicality, envisioning a future where technology creates a positive impact on society.

The Continuous Learner:
In the realm of IT, learning is an ongoing journey. New technologies emerge at lightning speed, and I relish the opportunity to embark on a perpetual quest for knowledge. Whether it's attending workshops, participating in hackathons, or enrolling in online courses, I am committed to staying at the forefront of the ever-evolving IT landscape.

  • Programming
    HTMLS, JavaScript, CSS, Python
  • Leadership Skills
    Classroom President since first year
  • Communication Skills
    Good at Public Speaking
  • 2023-Present
    Dalubhasaan ng Lungsod ng Lucena
  • 2020-2021
    ARK Technological Institute Education System
  • 2018-2019
    Talipan National High School
  • 2014-2015
    Elementary School
  • 2017
    With Honors
  • 2019
    With Honors
  • 2020
    With Honors
  • 2021
    Best in Technical-Vocational
    Best in Communication Arts
    Best in Science
    Best in Mathematics
    Best in Social Sciences







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